- Do I have to create an account with Studocu?
- How can I change my account settings?
- How do I change my email address?
- The year I started studying isn’t on the list
- Can I change my profile picture?
- Can I save documents?
- What is a Premium account?
- What type of subscriptions does Studocu offer?
- How much does Premium cost?
- What’s the difference between the Trial and the Premium subscription?
- How can I upgrade from the Trial subscription to a Premium subscription?
- How can I upgrade to a Premium account?
- Can I have a refund?
- How can I request a refund?
- Am I eligible for a full refund?
- Am I eligible for a partial refund?
- Why was I charged after the trial?
- I forgot to cancel my subscription and now I’ve been charged. Can I have a refund?
- How does Studocu work?
- Is Studocu legal?
- Can I work for Studocu?
- Can I share documents from your website with others?
- How do I find documents on Studocu?
- How can I stay updated on new and interesting content?
Prepare for exam
- How does the Prepare for Your Exam feature work?
- How to Create a Studylist Using the 'Prepare for Your Exam' Tool.
- Can I create multiple Studylists for different courses?
- What happens to my documents once they are uploaded?
- Which documents are recommended for my course?
- What should I do if I need to delete my Studylist?
Quizzes & Flashcards
Ask Ai
Studocu App
Bug Bounty program
- How do I submit a vulnerability report?
- What happens after I submit a vulnerability report?
- Who is eligible to participate in the bug bounty program?
- What types of vulnerabilities are considered out of scope?
- Can I request a premium test account for testing?
- What is Safe Harbor, and how does it apply to my research?
- What is Copyright?
- What is the Copyright Act, DMCA and NTD Code?
- How does Studocu comply with the Copyright Act and the NTD?
- There is no official copyright notice on this material, is it still copyrighted?
- How does Studocu handle copyright issues?
- How do I report copyrighted materials on Studocu?